For this entry, my teacher asked me for my philosophy of life and I have
to confess that I had to think so much about it to find and answer that help me
to do this work, but after a couple of days I did it.
Philosophy means “love for wisdom”; but, philosophy of life, means to
have a happy, healthy and satisfied mind, is to have our own point of view of
our life and of how is better to live it and, for some people, enjoy it.
My philosophy of life is “Do what you love; love what you do”. I think
that everybody wants to do what they love in life, but not everybody have the
courage to fight for it. I really don’t know how some (or so much) people live
their life doing or working in things that they, sincerely, hate. For example,
the teacher that does not like children… How can you wake up in the morning to
go to your work as teacher when you don’t like children and that’s the less
that you want to do? I don’t understand it, well, not at all.
I does not work yet, but I don’t want to work in something that I
dislike. That would be like betray myself! In my case, I really love to write
poems and stories, and people say to me that I’m good at it, so I want to do
something with that talent that I have. One of my aspirations is to write a
book about some experiences of my life; but until I do it, maybe,I will try to
work in an editorial house or something like that.
My philosophy of life is “Do what you love, love what you do”, for that
I will fight in my life: for doing what I really love and not what I dislike or
what someone tells me to do.
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